Chronic Pain


Chronic Pain is a disease recognized by International Statistical Classification of Diseases. and Related Health Problems. Chronic pain is due to a disruption and abnormality in the Pain System and is both a peripheral and central nervous system disease. It is a difficult disease to treat and may require many different approaches. The treatments available aim to modulate the pain system and Ketamine treatments is an option in very difficult chronic pain conditions that have not responded to other treatments.

The options for chronic pain treatments come down to four categories
1. Conservative options such as therapy or chiropractor
2. Medication management
3. Interventions such as steroid injections
4. Surgery

Unfortunately, too often all of these options together are still not enough to provide any significant benefit or relief.

Studies have shown that Ketamine is an option for chronic pain and may be effective is difficult to control pain.

At the Jacobs Pain Centre we pride ourselves in providing top tier care for patients who suffer with Chronic Pain . If you have chronic pain please feel free to connect with the clinic and we will be pleased to answer any questions relating to treatment options offered at the clinic.

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